Nice Couple ATELIER We are a family company specializing in epoxy surfaces. We rely on our good professional work, your satisfaction and numerous recommendations that inspire us for further implementations.
The owner of the company, Zbyněk Hůrka, realizes the orders in person and is thus fully responsible for the work. The company's employees work under his experienced management.

Epoxy surfaces - our specialization
We want to be the best in the industry and therefore we focus only on epoxy surfaces. We are thus the only ones in the Czech Republic.
About Nice Couple Atelier:
We have almost 15 years of experience in the construction industry and interior design. We have carried out countless complex and partial reconstructions of apartments, houses, restaurants, industrial and commercial buildings. We therefore know all construction procedures and materials. We operate not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Germany and Slovakia. We have gained experience in Australia and Indonesia.
The highest quality epoxy trowels:
We only work with synthetic epoxy spatulas, which cannot be bought in hobby markets. The material is not cement-based acrylate, like most available epoxy coatings - Sikafloor, betonepox and others. Therefore, our floors do not crack and excel in their durability and have a lifespan of up to 60 years. NC Atelier, as the only company in the Czech Republic, provides a 25-year warranty on work and materials!

Poctivá tloušťka epoxidové podlahy
Velké množství epoxidové hmoty nanášíme ve 2-3 vrstvách a to nejčastěji v síle 4-5mm. Jedině takto silná epoxidová podlaha vydrží extrémní nároky po dlouhé roky.
Navíc tato tloušťka stěrky zaručí dokonalý povrch podlahy.
Ptejte se ostatních firem kolik milimetrů bude mít vaše epoxidová stěrka!
Často se setkáváme pouze se sílou 2mm. Na takto tenkou stěrku není možné dávat dlouholeté záruky. Víme však, že cena je důležitá. Proto nabízíme i tuto variantu epoxidové podlahy s nejkvalitnějším dostupným materiálem v Cenové Kategorii B.
Investice se vyplatí!
Počáteční investice do kvalitní epoxidové podlahy znamená nejenom celkové ušetření vašich finančních prostředků.
Budete mít hlavně jistotu, že nebudete záhy řešit vady, které zákonitě vzniknou, kvůli tomu, že je vaše podlaha z méně kvalitního materiálu.
Premium services:
In our studio in Prague 6, we create new samples of design floors that will appeal to you with their unusual appearance. Epoxy screeds with a design of mother-of-pearl, metallic, marbling and glitter in combination with a suitable color combination will take your floor to a new level. Our company works with the latest chemical-technological procedures. It is the only company in the Czech Republic to apply, among other things, phosphor and luminescent epoxy screeds.
We will produce 2-4 samples of the future epoxy floor for each customer before starting work. You can confidently choose the floor design according to your taste.
Contact us and order a professional consultation directly at your place of planned implementation!
Expect from us:
FAST response to your request.
WARRANTY for completed work 25 years.
SMART ideas for realizing your floor.
Selection of realizations by companies ( photos of realizations can be found in our photo gallery )
Nike - sports equipment
LG electronics
PPF banka as
Shell - gas station
ICT - Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague 6
CULS - Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague - Suchdol
OC Chodov - Shopping center Chodov, Prague
AAA Auto Praha as
Cinema 64 U Hradeb, Prague - Lesser Town
Novatic sr, o,
Europark Štěrboholy, Prague
and many others