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3D Podlahy

Dechberoucí 3D epoxidové podlahy v koupelnách, obývacích i reprezentativních prostorách.

3D KOUPELNA - podlaha, stěny i strop

3D - BATHROOM - floor, walls and ceiling

Completely realized room in the forest theme

Special Wall Murals were installed to measure the floor and then encapsulated with transparent resin. We also added real wooden planks to the floor, which we then also poured into the resin.

The walls are lined with large-format panels, which we made to measure around the entire perimeter of the room. 

The wall mural is also on the ceiling and again treated with transparent resin.


Very time and money consuming implementation.

Watch the video on YouTube!

ZIMNÍ ZAHRADA - tapeta na zdi i podlaze

WINTER GARDEN - wallpaper on the wall and on the floor

Recently popular client demand to connect the wall and floor wallpaper. This selected realization is in the winter garden of a family house in Broumov.


The customer can choose from an infinite number of graphic materials and we will produce and install a special wallpaper for him.


The floor is highly durable thanks to epoxy resin. 

25 year warranty.

You can select an image from the photobank  Shutterstock , or  Fotolia.

Recepce plaveckého bazénu - Liberecko

WELCOME CENTER of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague Suchdol

NC Atelier fulfills all assignments of designers and architects. 

In this case, we applied a trowel based on polymer resin with design.


The canals are in two shades of green and their location had to match the layout of the walking paths. Manual application on a one-color trowel. The pans are 3D - so they protrude 1 mm above the floor.  

The floor meets the highest aesthetic demands hand in hand with the high mechanical and chemical resistance that the university has required for its Welcome Center. 


WELCOME CENTER of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague Suchdol

NC Atelier fulfills all assignments of designers and architects. 

In this case, we applied a trowel based on polymer resin with design.


The canals are in two shades of green and their location had to match the layout of the walking paths. Manual application on a one-color trowel. The pans are 3D - so they protrude 1 mm above the floor.  

The floor meets the highest aesthetic demands hand in hand with the high mechanical and chemical resistance that the university has required for its Welcome Center. 

DECHBEROUCÍ ILUZE 3D epoxidové podlahy

WELCOME CENTER of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague Suchdol

NC Atelier fulfills all assignments of designers and architects. 

In this case, we applied a trowel based on polymer resin with design.


The canals are in two shades of green and their location had to match the layout of the walking paths. Manual application on a one-color trowel. The pans are 3D - so they protrude 1 mm above the floor.  

The floor meets the highest aesthetic demands hand in hand with the high mechanical and chemical resistance that the university has required for its Welcome Center. 

KOUPELNA - epoxidová podlaha 3D v Brně

BATHROOM - 3D floor in Brno

The customer wanted an interesting 3D floor in the bathroom of the new building.

Based on his wishes, we made 4 samples. We also keyed the selected pictures into the floor plan of the bathroom and finally picked the best version.  

The installation took 3 days. The floor is walkable the next day.


25-year guarantee thanks to a synthetic transparent resin, which provides the floor with high durability and at the same time co-creates a beautiful 3D effect.  

There are no limits to your imagination ...

KOUPELNA 3D s mořskou tématikou

BATHROOM in 3D.  House white epoxy trowel with multi-colored chips

The family house in Prague needed a completely new floor in gallows time. Both floors of the house and the bathroom were therefore carried out simultaneously.  

A popular motif for the bathroom with stones and shells is to pour transparent resin. The floor in white color seamlessly follows, which is gently covered with chips in 3 colors. Subsequently, the entire surface is painted with a transparent semi-matt epoxy varnish.

As a result, the floor has a surface of fine orange peel. 


WELLNESS CENTER in 3D - Epoxy floor in Slovakia

A customer from Malacek asked us to make a 3D epoxy floor in its wellness center.  

Before the actual start, we carefully tuned the selected graphic materials so that the produced photo wallpaper would fit exactly to the very fragmented space.  

The original floor was of two kinds - a cement trowel in the reception and tiles in the hallway. After leveling the floor, we started to install the photo wallpaper in several consecutive steps and pour it into the epoxy resin.  


The resulting floor shines with colors and the 3D effect met the client's expectations. 

SPECIÁLNÍ epoxidová podlaha 3D

SPECIAL epoxy floor 3D

Another example of a modern epoxy floor. According to the graphic documents from the customer, we made special custom photo wallpapers and applied them to the floor of the entrance area of the apartment, living room and bathroom.


Original design, great maintenance and 25-year warranty!

There are no limits to your imagination and the epoxy floor does not have to be in only one color ...

You can select an image from the photobank  Shutterstock , or  Fotolia.

Podlaha z pryskyřice a fototapety

Požadovaný design lze vytvořit ručně pomocí kombinace několika odstínů barev epoxidu. Nebo také nalepením speciální fototapety, kterou pak zaléváme transparentní epoxidovou pryskyřicí. 

Záleží na preferencích zákazníka. Obě možnosti jsou dobré. 

Do prostorů sauny a k jacuzzi je epoxidová stěrka skvělou volbou!

Proč? Neklouže ani za mokra a skvěle se udržuje čistá!


Odolá všem nástrahám od nárazů po použití chemických prostředků. 

Epoxid je vhodný také k bazénům nebo do koupelny. Další informace najdete v tomto článku.

Let's stay in touch!

Zbyněk Hůrka


Czechia - Slovakia

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Vysoce odolná EPOXIDOVÁ STĚRKA na beton, vhodná do garáže, skladu, haly, výrobních a průmyslových prostor. 

Esteticky dokonalé EPOXIDOVÉ PODLAHY pro dům nebo byt. Zajímavé 3D Epoxidové PODLAHY do koupelny, předsíně nebo kuchyně.

Funkční a reprezentativní EPOXIDOVÉ NÁTĚRY do obchodů, recepcí a restaurací. od NC Atelieru s.r.o.

​© 2023 by NC Atelier sro 

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