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For the new luxury perfumery, we installed an epoxy floor according to the architect's specifications on both floors of the store. We also applied epoxy heavy-duty varnish to the staircase that connects the two floors. We have created a uniform surface that excels not only in beauty but also in durability.  

Shades of gray floor allow other elements in the interior to stand out. The number of RAL shades of gray is still very popular with our customers. 

GARÁŽ - epoxidový silnovrstvý nátěr

V nadzemní garáži v novostavbě u Prahy jsme aplikovali silnovrstvý nátěr ve dvou vrstvách v celkové síle 4 mm. Odstín podlahy je RAL 7035. 

Naše firma vlastní vybavení pro aplikaci litých podlah i v zimních měsících!

Takto připravený povrch snese zátěž vozů typu SUV i těžké kolové techniky po mnoho dalších let. Více informací v tomto článku našeho blogu.


Podlaha se vyznačuje vysokou odolností proti znečištění a snadnou údržbou.


Realizujeme také zakázky malého rozsahu.


V tomto případě jsme opravovali epoxidovou podlahu po firmě, která neměla potřebné zkušenosti s epoxidovými stěrkami. Na původní podlaze bylo množství bublinek a různé nečistoty.

Před aplikací naší stěrky jsme museli původní podlahu připravit broušením a nanesením přechodové vrstvy.

Stěrku jsme dolili přesně s rovinou plovoucí podlahy i dlažby v sousedních místnostech.

S výsledkem byla zákaznice nadmíru spokojená.


Původně výrobní hala se starou betonovou podlahou, potřebovala splňovat nové nároky. Epoxidový silnovrstvý nátěr ve dvou vrstvách splňuje dokonale představy zákazníka.


Rekonstrukce podlahy haly probíhala v několika krocích. Po zbroušení starého betonu bylo zapotřebí důkladně opravit nerovnosti a poškození nejenom podlahy, ale také soklů. Poté byl teprve nanášen speciální dvousložkový silnovrstvý nátěr.


Takto upravená podlaha je dobrou investicí a snese vysoké požadavky v dalších letech.

BATHROOM and shower in the apartment


Epoxy cast flooring is also ideal for bathrooms and showers. The surface is non-slip!  Even if it doesn't look like it at first glance, your foot will definitely not slip.

We add the trowel to the tiles and the drain channel precisely and with an emphasis on detail. We will keep the slope of the shower enclosure so that the water can drain freely.  

Epoxy coatings are waterproof and will last for many years to come. Modern look, great maintenance and carefree use!

UNIVERSITY OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY  - epoxy spatula for laboratory

The University of Chemical Technology in Prague required a floor that can withstand all the pitfalls of a specialized laboratory.

We have applied a thick layer of epoxy coating, for which we provide an extended warranty of 25 years. This trowel is chemically highly resistant and will withstand all oils and acids used in the laboratory.



The entire basement of the house needed to be unified with a leveling trowel under epoxy floors. Furthermore, 2 layers of epoxy thick-layer coating in RAL shade with a thickness of 5 mm were applied.  

The garage and technical rooms of the house are now easy to maintain and will withstand high mechanical and chemical demands in the years to come.  

Great investment with a 25 year warranty!

Reconstruction of the Shell gasoline washing line  

Reconstruction of an older washing line required not only time, but also knowledge of specific conditions and how to apply epoxy varnishes to walls and floors. A layer of highly resistant thick-layer epoxy varnish was applied in several layers in selected shades.


The slope of the floor was preserved due to the outflow of water. The joints between the floor and the wall were treated with a special sealant. We installed wallpaper with the company's logo on the wall, which is treated against the long-term effects of water.  

The result appeals to everyone with its modern and clean design.

Epoxy spatula for the BATHROOM  - floor and walls

The owner of the house wanted to apply epoxy coatings to the floor and walls of the bathroom. There is also an epoxy thick trowel on the floor of the entrance hall.


There is a phosphor coating in the shower. 

The duration of the light effect is 30-60 minutes - depending on the lighting.

For small spaces, it is advisable to choose rather light and one-color squeegees. Its clean design and gloss will visually enlarge the room.  

Epoxy spatula for the BATHROOM  - floor and walls

The owner of the house wanted to apply epoxy coatings to the floor and walls of the bathroom. There is also an epoxy thick trowel on the floor of the entrance hall.


There is a phosphor coating in the shower. 

The duration of the light effect is 30-60 minutes - depending on the lighting.

For small spaces, it is advisable to choose rather light and one-color squeegees. Its clean design and gloss will visually enlarge the room.  

BATHROOM and shower in the apartment


Epoxy cast flooring is also ideal for bathrooms and showers. The surface is non-slip!  Even if it doesn't look like it at first glance, your foot will definitely not slip.

We add the trowel to the tiles and the drain channel precisely and with an emphasis on detail. We will keep the slope of the shower enclosure so that the water can drain freely.  

Epoxy coatings are waterproof and will last for many years to come. Modern look, great maintenance and carefree use!

SUTERÉN rodinného domu, Šumava


Suterén rodinného domu nejčastěji slouží jako technické zázemí a sklad nejrůznějších věcí. 


Podlaha v takovém místě by měla být snadno udržovatelná v čistotě. Epoxidová stěrka je právě proto skvělou volbou. 


Výrazná barva místnost oživí a my jsme vždy rádi, když má zákazník odvahu vybrat jiný odstín než šedý. (nic proti šedé podlaze, často je to správné rozhodnutí)

Podklad byl v zásadě dobře připravený a proto realizace zakázky trvala pouze 3 dny.

KITCHEN restaurant, Jeneč u Prahy


Epoxy screeds are the most durable solution for floors. It can withstand almost anything. In addition, they are perfectly kept clean, which is really needed in kitchens.  

The original floor was destroyed by grease and a high daily load.


Epoxy screeds dry 24 hours and therefore such a reconstruction can be done quickly without unnecessary financial losses of the restaurant owner.

The investment in the floor pays off not only in the guest area, but also in the background of the restaurant!

Epoxidová stěrka do HANGÁRU

Podlaha v hangáru pro letadla, vrtulníky a další techniku vyžaduje tu nejvyšší odolnost.


Ty splňuje naše epoxidová stěrka, která díky svým vlastnostem zcela vyhovuje těmto požadavkům. 

Soukromý hangár má nyní krásnou, skvěle udržovatelnou a vysoce funkční podlahu. 

Záruka 25 let!

WHITE epoxy spatula in the apartment - RAL 9003

Elegant floor design in a small apartment. We removed the old lino and left the parquet. The entire area of the apartment had to be leveled with a leveling trowel.  

Then we applied a white layer of epoxy trowel in several layers. This created a shiny, uniform floor without joints and thresholds.  

Epoxy coatings excel in their high mechanical resistance and easy maintenance. The initial investment pays off! 

WHITE epoxy spatula in the apartment - RAL 9003

Elegant floor design in a small apartment. We removed the old lino and left the parquet. The entire area of the apartment had to be leveled with a leveling trowel.  

Then we applied a white layer of epoxy trowel in several layers. This created a shiny, uniform floor without joints and thresholds.  

Epoxy coatings excel in their high mechanical resistance and easy maintenance. The initial investment pays off! 

GARAGE - highly durable epoxy floor in RAL 7047

When renovating a garage floor, there is only one solution with the motto "forever". It is a thick-layer epoxy trowel with a thickness of 5 mm . Other options from paving to painting have a maximum service life of 3-5 years.


When applying a thick-layer trowel, we follow all the necessary procedures from the preparation of the substrate to the application of individual layers. Furthermore, in the garage, we recommend carrying the epoxy trowel on the walls around the perimeter to a height of about 10 cm - which will create a so-called pool, which will allow easy cleaning of the space.   

25 year warranty!

Let's stay in touch!

Zbyněk Hůrka


Czechia - Slovakia

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Vysoce odolná EPOXIDOVÁ STĚRKA na beton, vhodná do garáže, skladu, haly, výrobních a průmyslových prostor. 

Esteticky dokonalé EPOXIDOVÉ PODLAHY pro dům nebo byt. Zajímavé 3D Epoxidové PODLAHY do koupelny, předsíně nebo kuchyně.

Funkční a reprezentativní EPOXIDOVÉ NÁTĚRY do obchodů, recepcí a restaurací. od NC Atelieru s.r.o.

​© 2023 by NC Atelier sro 

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