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SCHODIŠTĚ v kancelářské budově - Praha Říčany

V rámci rekonstrukce budovy Contera v Říčanech u Prahy jsme prováděli ​celkovou rekonstrukci schodiště včetně podest. 

Stav schodiště byl žalostný, proto jsme museli před zahájením aplikace epoxidové stěrky celé schodiště zednicky opravit. 

Následně v několika krocích jsme provedli epoxidový silnovrstvý nátěr včetně čílek, které se vyrábějí na míru zvlášť. To proto, aby konečný výsledek byl dokonalý.

STAIRS WITH A STAGE in the interior of a hairdressing studio - Prague

We applied an epoxy thick coat to the rough construction of the staircase made of OSB boards. The elegant and detailed design was appreciated by the designer and the owner of the studio.  

Epoxy thick-layer coating can be installed not only on OSB boards, but also on existing tiles, following technological procedures.

PHOSPHORUS epoxy floor by the pool

A unique epoxy phosphor floor, which not only meets high functional requirements, but also provides the customer with an extraordinary light effect.

In daylight, the floor is uniform, slightly tinted green.


In the dark, it glows all over the surface. The duration of the light effect is 30-60 minutes - depending on the lighting.


Our company is the only one in the EU that applies this floor. 

Epoxidová stěrka na POCHOZÍCH CESTÁCH kolem bazénu

+ velkoformátový obklad stěny u sprchy (vzadu na fotografii).


Na podlaze byla původně položena dlažba. Tu jsme v několika krocích připravili na zalití epoxidovou stěrkou. Nebylo tak potřeba dlažbu bourat - čímž jsme ušetřili peníze i čas. 

Zákaznice si zvolila design podle svých představ. Epoxidovou stěrku jsme instalovali i na toaletu.


Podlaha je beze spár. Stěrka neklouže ani za mokra. Na klíč jsme vyrobili také lišty z epoxidu a nerezové kryty.


Podívejte se na video na YouTube v tomto odkazu!

Epoxy STAIRS - tailor-made solutions- Cheb


Each space has its own specifics.


NC Atelier always carries out the work tailored to its customer. The solution is a single floor of the retail space on the ground floor and mezzanine, including stairs.


All stairs are always very laborious, but the extra time during the implementation pays off. The perfect result is a several-day work process, which guarantees their high durability and perfect appearance.


The original stairs were damaged and lined with slats.  

SWIMMING POOL in a family house  

Epoxy coatings were applied in two shades to the pool and to the walking areas around it, including the stairs. The interior thus acquired a modern look and better functional properties - in addition, with a 25-year warranty! We painted the vertical walls of the pool and stairs with a special technique in several layers.

The owner can enjoy not only the timeless design, but also the features that tiles cannot meet. No more falling off individual pieces of tiles and no more water seeping!

Although the paint is high gloss, it is ANTI-SLIP and there is no risk of injury even on a wet surface.


For the new luxury perfumery, we also applied an epoxy thick coat of varnish to the staircase that connects the two floors. We have created a uniform surface that excels not only in beauty but also in durability.  

Shades of gray floor allow other elements in the interior to stand out. The number of RAL shades of gray is still very popular with our customers. 

Epoxy design WALL SCREW

Large-format wall cladding in marble design.


Perfect effect without joints - the tiling was created to measure from one piece in the size of approx. 2x2.5 meters.

The design of the trowel on the wall is the same as on the floor.  

Epoxy wall trowel is suitable for kitchens or bathrooms. In short, wherever high resistance to water, heat and dirt is required.  


We always adjust the size of the individual pieces of tiling to the place of implementation. Forget about tiles and choose a modern way and design!

Let's stay in touch!

Zbyněk Hůrka


Czechia - Slovakia

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Vysoce odolná EPOXIDOVÁ STĚRKA na beton, vhodná do garáže, skladu, haly, výrobních a průmyslových prostor. 

Esteticky dokonalé EPOXIDOVÉ PODLAHY pro dům nebo byt. Zajímavé 3D Epoxidové PODLAHY do koupelny, předsíně nebo kuchyně.

Funkční a reprezentativní EPOXIDOVÉ NÁTĚRY do obchodů, recepcí a restaurací. od NC Atelieru s.r.o.

​© 2023 by NC Atelier sro 

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